Wednesday - 7km (45min) Easy

Still feeling sore after my race on Sunday, I wanted to go really easy for my first run back this week. 45 minutes of zone 2 today.

It felt good to get moving again and I was relieved that none of my soreness was anything to be concerned about.

My focus for this week will be mostly on recovery and not pushing myself too hard so I can continue my marathon build.

Friday - 12km (75min) Easy

Strangely, I still did not feel fully recovered from my race, almost a week on. I skipped my speed workout this week in favour of some more easy running today.

I'm experimenting with using time as my metric for easy runs instead of distance, but I would've been really annoyed to finish today's run at 11.93km so I ran a little bit faster for the last half kilometre to make it 12.

Saturday - 8km Easy

Another 50 minutes of easy running for the week, bringing my total to 3 hours and 20 minutes.

Sunday - 20km Progressive Long

I'm getting a bit bored of easy running this week. I had planned to do 20km but I did not have time to be spending more than 2 hours on a run today. Instead, I opted for a 3-block progressive long run with this structure:

7km W/U (Zone 2),
7km @ 5:00-5:20/km (~4/10 effort),
1km Recovery,
4km @ 4:30-4:50/km (~6/10 effort),
1km C/D.

I found this run to be enjoyable because I was able to push myself more than my usual easy runs whilst not pushing too hard to be tired for the rest of the day or sore the next day.

For my remaining 9 weeks of training, I will probably be following a similar long run structure to what I followed today, but interspersed with faster and more intervals. I learnt the hard way that not every long run needs to be at a high effort.

Weekly Summary:

Total Distance: 47km

9 Weeks Out.